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(contoh: TLKM)

PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk, together with its subsidiaries, operates in the food and beverage industry in Indonesia. The company operates in two segments, Beverages and Foods. It also exports its products. PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk was founded in 1971 and is headquartered in Bandung, Indonesia..

Info Profile
Name Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk.
Sector Consumer Non-Cyclicals
Industry Basic & Specialty - Food & Beverage
Code D2.3
Latest Quarterly 9/30/2024

Shareholder Tracker
Name Latest % A Month Ago %
Sabana Prawirawidjaja 49.78 49.78
PT. Prawirawidjaja Prakarsa 23.78 23.78
Public < 5% 21.72 21.72
Samudera Prawirawidjaja 3.61 3.61
Suhendra Prawirawidjaja 1.11 1.11
Others 0.01 0.0
Shareholder Class
Classification Latest % Previous %
Individual 54.5 54.5
Institution 23.78 23.78
Retail 21.72 21.72
Management 0.0 0.0
Revenue Source 2023 2022
Beverages 99.1% 98.7%
Foods 0.9% 1.3%
Others 0.0% 0.0%

Revenue Region 2023 2022
Indonesia 100.0% 100.0%
Others 0.0% 0.0%

Valuation Ratios Rank
P/S 1.99 # 33 / 49
EV_EBITDA 9.89 # 10 / 49
PER 14.91 # 16 / 49
PBV 2.39 # 31 / 49
DER 0.10 # 5 / 49

Profitability Ratios Rank
NPM % 13.4 # 9 / 49
ROA % 14.9 # 7 / 49
ROE % 16.0 # 12 / 49

Year DPS Yield [%]
2024 40.0 2.6
2023 30.0 1.9
2022 25.0 1.7
2021 85.0 5.4
2020 12.0 0.8

Timeframe Performance
1W % -0.3
1Mo % -4.1
3Mo % -11.4
1Yr % -13.0

Pivot Points
R2 1690.0
R1 1615.0
S1 1475.0
S2 1410.0

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Peers Comparison

Stocks PER Market Cap EV Revenue EBITDA Net Profit
ICBP 12.41 133.24 T 163.54 T 74,000 B 16,200 B 10,900 B
INDF 5.91 66.29 T 123.29 T 116,000 B 22,200 B 11,700 B
MYOR 19.25 56.34 T 65.62 T 34,200 B 3,780 B 2,690 B
CMRY 24.86 38.25 T 36.26 T 8,850 B 2,010 B 1,540 B
ULTJ 14.91 18.77 T 17.25 T 8,780 B 1,610 B 1,170 B
CLEO 44.33 17.52 T 18.50 T 2,640 B 822 B 441 B