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(contoh: TLKM)

PT Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk engages in the pharmaceuticals, personal care and cosmetics, and distribution services businesses in Indonesia and internationally. It operates through three segments: Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Products and Cosmetics, and Distribution Services. PT Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk was founded in 1970 and is headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia. PT Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk is a subsidiary of PT Bogamulia Nagadi..

Info Profile
Name Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk.
Sector Healthcare
Industry Pharmaceuticals & Health Care Research
Code F2
Latest Quarterly 9/30/2024

Shareholder Tracker
Name Latest % A Month Ago %
PT. Bogamulia Nagadi 89.15 88.88
Public < 5% 10.72 10.99
Aviaska Diah Respati H 0.02 0.02
Diana Wirawan 0.02 0.02
Liza Prasodjo 0.02 0.02
Hartaty Susanto 0.01 0.01
I Made Dharma Wijaya 0.01 0.01
Josep Ismanto 0.01 0.01
Linda Lukitasari 0.01 0.01
Rorita Lim 0.01 0.01
Ruth Dewi Rosila Widjaja 0.01 0.01
Shania 0.01 0.01
Others 0.01 0.0
Shareholder Class
Classification Latest % Previous %
Institution 89.15 88.88
Retail 10.72 10.99
Individual 0.13 0.13
Management 0.0 0.0
Revenue Source 2023 2022
Distribution Services 37.6% 39.6%
Consumer Products and Cosmetics 31.4% 30.9%
Pharmaceuticals 30.9% 29.5%
Others 0.0% 0.0%

Revenue Region 2023 2022
Indonesia 96.5% 97.1%
International 3.5% 2.9%
Others 0.0% 0.0%

Valuation Ratios Rank
P/S 0.79 # 5 / 14
EV_EBITDA 4.69 # 1 / 14
PER 7.42 # 2 / 14
PBV 1.17 # 4 / 14
DER 0.36 # 4 / 14

Profitability Ratios Rank
NPM % 10.7 # 3 / 14
ROA % 11.9 # 3 / 14
ROE % 15.7 # 5 / 14

Year DPS Yield [%]
2024 75.0 3.2
2023 150.0 8.1
2022 75.0 5.3
2021 80.0 5.3
2020 50.0 3.6

Timeframe Performance
1W % 1.3
1Mo % -4.4
3Mo % -11.2
1Yr % 13.3

Pivot Points
R2 2590.0
R1 2500.0
S1 2310.0
S2 2210.0

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Peers Comparison

Stocks PER Market Cap EV Revenue EBITDA Net Profit
KLBF 19.15 57.19 T 58.09 T 32,300 B 4,830 B 3,170 B
SIDO 17.64 17.10 T 17.17 T 3,500 B 1,400 B 1,040 B
TSPC 7.42 11.14 T 10.43 T 13,500 B 2,140 B 1,440 B
SOHO 18.69 8.38 T 10.88 T 9,960 B 617 B 455 B
KAEF -5.92 3.37 T 14.07 T 10,500 B -9 B -562 B
PYFA -9.49 2.43 T 6.15 T 1,550 B -119 B -286 B