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(contoh: TLKM)

PT Sunindo Pratama Tbk engages in distributing products and providing services with focus in oil and gas industries in Indonesia and internationally. Its products range from supplying oil country tubular goods, ERW tubings and casings, drill pipes, line pipes, drill bits, wellheads, packers, variable speed drives, and oilfield related chemical and valves. The company also provides services, including drill pipe rental, wellhead and Christmas tree on-site service, workover barges and supporting vessel, corrosion preventive removal systems, and organic binder absorption for universal applications, as well as enhance oil recovery services, such as polymer flooding, zonal water injection, and other EOR technology. The company was founded in 2002 and is based in South Jakarta, Indonesia..

Info Profile
Name Sunindo Pratama Tbk.
Sector Energy
Industry Supporting Industries - Oil, Gas & Coal
Code A1.3
Latest Quarterly 9/30/2024

Shareholder Tracker
Name Latest % A Month Ago %
Soe To Tie Lin 64.6 64.6
Public < 5% 24.0 24.0
Willy Johan Chandra 11.4 11.4
Others 0.0 0.0
Shareholder Class
Classification Latest % Previous %
Individual 76.0 76.0
Retail 24.0 24.0
Institution 0.0 0.0
Management 0.0 0.0
Revenue Source 2023 2022
Goods 99.6% 95.8%
Services 0.4% 4.2%
Others 0.0% 0.0%

Revenue Region 2023 2022
Indonesia 93.5% 93.7%
Foreign Countries 6.5% 6.3%
Others 0.0% 0.0%

Valuation Ratios Rank
P/S 1.69 # 19 / 27
EV_EBITDA 6.39 # 11 / 27
PER 7.95 # 5 / 27
PBV 2.44 # 20 / 27
DER 0.34 # 9 / 27

Profitability Ratios Rank
NPM % 21.2 # 4 / 27
ROA % 22.7 # 2 / 27
ROE % 28.7 # 1 / 27

Year DPS Yield [%]
2024 4.4 0.6
2023 3.0 0.8

Timeframe Performance
1W % 0.7
1Mo % -7.7
3Mo % -6.5
1Yr % 87.5

Pivot Points
R2 820.0
R1 780.0
S1 700.0
S2 660.0

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Peers Comparison

Stocks PER Market Cap EV Revenue EBITDA Net Profit
SUNI 7.95 1.94 T 2.06 T 1.07 T 301 B 226 B
PTRO 666.67 39.84 T 43.93 T 10,300 B 1,680 B 58 B
AKRA 12.31 23.89 T 35.59 T 38,200 B 2,730 B 1,960 B
BIPI 73.45 5.48 T 22.18 T 8,440 B 1,700 B 72 B
DOID -12.40 3.83 T 22.63 T 27,200 B 5,090 B -282 B
MYOH 10.68 3.45 T 3.48 T 2,740 B 678 B 368 B