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(contoh: TLKM)

Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk provides telecommunications, informatics, and network services worldwide. The company's Mobile segment offers mobile voice, SMS, and mobile broadband services; and digital services, including financial services, video on demand, music, gaming, IoT, big data analytics, and digital advertising services. As of December 31, 2020, it had approximately 9.1 million fixed wireline subscribers, including 8.0 million fixed broadband subscribers; and 169.5 million cellular subscribers, including 115.9 million mobile broadband subscribers. The company was founded in 1884 and is headquartered in Bandung, Indonesia..

Info Profile
Name Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.
Sector Infrastructures
Industry Telecommunication
Code J3
Latest Quarterly 9/30/2024

Shareholder Tracker
Name Latest % A Month Ago %
Negara Republik Indonesia 52.09 52.09
Public < 5% 47.83 47.83
Others 0.01 0.0
Bogi Witjaksono 0.01 0.01
Budi Setyawan Wijaya 0.01 0.01
Heri Supriadi 0.01 0.01
Herlan Wijanarko 0.01 0.01
Muhamad Fajrin Rasyid 0.01 0.01
Fm Venusiana R. 0.01 0.01
Afriwandi 0.01 0.01
Ririek Adriansyah 0.01 0.01
Honesti Basyir 0.0 0.0
Isa Rachmatarwata 0.0 0.0
Ismail 0.0 0.0
Marcelino Rumambo Pandin 0.0 0.0
Rizal Mallarangeng 0.0 0.0
Silmy Karim 0.0 0.0
Arya Mahendra Sinulingga 0.0 0.0
Shareholder Class
Classification Latest % Previous %
Institution 52.09 52.09
Retail 47.83 47.83
Individual 0.08 0.08
Management 0.0 0.0
Revenue Source 2023 2022
Mobile 57.2% 58.0%
Consumer 18.6% 17.9%
Enterprise 12.2% 13.0%
Wholesale and International 11.3% 10.5%
Adjustment and Elimination 0.4% 0.4%
Others 0.3% 0.3%

Revenue Region 2023 2022
Indonesia 94.6% 95.0%
Abroad 5.4% 5.0%
Others 0.0% 0.0%

Valuation Ratios Rank
P/S 1.77 # 8 / 24
EV_EBITDA 4.87 # 3 / 24
PER 11.27 # 6 / 24
PBV 1.65 # 14 / 24
DER 0.85 # 10 / 24

Profitability Ratios Rank
NPM % 15.8 # 10 / 24
ROA % 8.3 # 3 / 24
ROE % 14.8 # 5 / 24

Year DPS Yield [%]
2024 178.5 7.1
2023 167.6 4.2
2022 150.0 4.0
2021 168.0 4.1
2020 154.1 4.6

Timeframe Performance
1W % 15.5
1Mo % 0.4
3Mo % -2.9
1Yr % -32.2

Pivot Points
R2 2990.0
R1 2790.0
S1 2340.0
S2 2090.0

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Peers Comparison

Stocks PER Market Cap EV Revenue EBITDA Net Profit
TLKM 11.27 266.48 T 369.48 T 150,000 B 75,600 B 23,600 B
ISAT 10.81 75.14 T 146.34 T 55,700 B 22,500 B 5,170 B
MTEL 26.60 57.24 T 77.74 T 9,090 B 7,550 B 2,040 B
SUPR 48.71 49.91 T 52.65 T 1,820 B 1,690 B 991 B
TBIG 32.67 45.31 T 80.51 T 6,840 B 5,870 B 1,560 B
TOWR 9.77 34.69 T 91.69 T 12,600 B 10,100 B 3,260 B