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(contoh: TLKM)

PT Eterindo Wahanatama Tbk engages in the trading and distribution of biodiesel fatty acid methyl ester and other chemicals in Indonesia and internationally. It also trades in chemical products, such as synthetic resins, glycerin, specialty plasticizer, and others; and engages in oil palm plantation business. It also trades in chemical products, such as synthetic resins, glycerin, specialty plasticizer, and others; and engages in oil palm plantation business. The company was founded in 1992 and is based in Jakarta, Indonesia..

Info Profile
Name Eterindo Wahanatama Tbk
Sector Energy
Industry Alternative Energy
Code A2
Latest Quarterly 9/30/2023

Shareholder Tracker
Name Latest % A Month Ago %
PT. Mordred Investama Indonesia 79.26 79.26
Public < 5% 20.74 20.74
Shareholder Class
Classification Latest % Previous %
Institution 79.26 79.26
Retail 20.74 20.74
Individual 0.0 0.0
Management 0.0 0.0
Revenue Source 2023 2022
Others 100.0% 100.0%
Other Chemicals 0.0% 100.0%
Fresh Fruit Bunch 0.0% 0.0%
Fatty Acid Methyl Ester 0.0% 0.0%

Revenue Region 2023 2022
Others 100.0% 100.0%
Indonesia 0.0% 100.0%
International 0.0% 0.0%

Valuation Ratios Rank
P/S / 6
PER / 6
PBV / 6
DER / 6

Profitability Ratios Rank
NPM % / 6
ROA % / 6
ROE % / 6

Year DPS Yield [%]

Timeframe Performance
1W %
1Mo %
3Mo %
1Yr %

Pivot Points

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Peers Comparison

Stocks PER Market Cap EV Revenue EBITDA Net Profit
BREN 525.40 1,286.40 T 1,358.20 T 8,910 B 5,540 B 1,740 B
PGEO 13.35 41.51 T 42.83 T 6,180 B 5,920 B 2,700 B
ARKO 50.43 2.96 T 3.59 T 205 B 59 B 54 B
ETWA -7.39 0.33 T 1.64 T 0 B -9 B -44 B
SEMA 20.23 0.12 T 0.21 T 104 B 9 B 6 B
JSKY -1.43 0.11 T 0.44 T 148 B -12 B -73 B